Friday, May 28, 2010

About those squatters....

a  few weeks back, we had some unforseen [but not entirely unexpected] problems pop up with some unwelcome guests at the house.

you see, this place had been vacant since about 1996.  at that time, on that block in DC, you were more likely to find a place to buy crack than a place to grab a latte.  not that there's a starbucks on every corner now [in fact, there are none for about a 12 block radius] but at least the crack is gone!

a residual effect of the drug & crime epidemic was squatting.  nothing much to it: if a house is vacant, you can just bust into it and make it yours!  for free!  pretty cool...[i guess]

as things started to change in the neighborhoods east of 16th street in DC in the late 90's, good things started happening: retail storesm& restaurants opened up.  condos were built. homes renovated.  the drug dealers moved out [just further east] and things changed rapidly.

except for the squatters.

reason being: while ALOT of new stuff came in, not all of it was renovated etc.  sometimes it was hard to track down the owner, so it couldnt be sold.  sometimes the owners didnt want to sell their property to anybody.  but in the meantime, the houses stood targets for squatters.

just like my house.

since the departure of the last tenants in 1996, it stood vacant.  The owner had several houses in DC and wasn't able to keep this one in good condition over the years.  The former tenants decided to come back and visit---often---and broke the windows and doors to get in.  they would drink, sleep, get a fix, turn a trick---anything goes when you're a squatter!

as those folks moved on, others moved in.  the former owner would clean it up from time to time, but the squatters kept coming back.  Even after my first visit into the place, i could see that things had 'changed' on my next visit...more trash, a different pile of clothes, furniture moved.  The squatters were still very much there.

once the house changed hands, our first order of business was to re-secure it.  we took a full walk around  the house and looked for weak spots: old windows that could be kicked in...doors that could be pryed open.

to be sure: there have definitely been some "incidents" since construction began.  broken windows and doors.  more trash.  "#1" and "#2" on the floor...not pleasant.  When you actually own the joint, it makes you beyond furious.  But we chilled.  Went to Home Depot.  Bought more stuff to re-secure the windows.  And also bought a more passive anti-squatter device: a "no trespassing" sign.

cost: $2.99

break-ins since the sign went up: ZERO

sometimes the most vexing problems have very simple solutions.

Friday, May 21, 2010


so now its time to get down to the nuts and bolts.  up until now, its been pretty general in terms of the instruction I've been giving to the crew....the walls go here...the toilet goes there..add a window here.

a pretty limited range of work.

that's all been changed.

I can't say I've ever been an expert on, say, countertop stone, or vessel sinks, but it has hooked me [and jenny] in an instant.  its all-comsuming.  online shops.  in-person.  blogs.
we've only stopped short of walking into random peoples' houses.  [though I have taken some tours of nice places RECENTLY with my agent to get some ideas]

my contractor, Andre, has the right approach: find something you like and STOP LOOKING.  because the only thing you'll find that you like better will cost you twice as much.  he should write a book.

so we're looking still.  granite or marble.  engineered wood or hardwood.  coke or pepsi.

there's a time limit, too. we've only got 7 weeks until we will [probably] be done, and since cabinets and flooring can take 6 weeks to deliver, this is the moment.

find something you like---and STOP LOOKING

we'll see if we can hold to that.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The View from the Top....

so we finally got a chance to get on the roof and take a look at the view.  since we're just off of north capitol street in DC [which runs straight down to the Capitol, about 1.5 miles away] I was thinking we'd be able to see the Senators walking around down there through the windows [with binoculars, of course]

ummmmm, not quite.

the houses across from us are about 12 feet higher, so it doesnt allow for us to see much beyond our block. and there is definitely no view of the Capitol.

BUT: come July 4th, there will be a GREAT view of the DC fireworks well as the "local" fireworks shows that go off simultaneously in the neighborhoods east of 14th street [INCOMING!]

so...the roof deck will be built, and we will enjoy what view we do have...which, in my opinion, is pretty good!  there are plenty of people who have nothing but a brick wall to look out at, so I'm feeling pretty good about our situation.

can't wait to crack open a brew and soak it all in.

feel the pressure...

so we're about 7 weeks out...the walls are about to go and and it feels like the walls are literally closing in.

when they're ripping the place apart, you dont have to make alot of decisions.  just let them take it all out and wait until they start putting it back together.

well, they've started....and now its decision-time.

I cant say that I've ever thought about the trim on the shower handle.  or the size of a bathroom vanity.  the distance between the water line in the kitchen and the nearest wall.  bamboo or maple flooring?  the list of options is endless.

so every single day is dedicated to making these decisions.  trim. moldings. countertops. finishes.  it takes a hell of alot of time.  and i need to consult "the boss" to make sure I dont do something crazy in the process.

im excited about this moment, but also looking forward to looking back at it.  perhaps it will be more fun to tell the story in hindsight ;-)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

the beat goes on....

still moving forward at a fast pace....I was there twice last week one day and noticed a big change in just the time between breakfast and the end of lunchtime.  crazy.

the HVAC guys have almost finished their installation.  there are pics of their work here.
the carpenter has also removed and finished the deck on the back of the house.  its now 12' x 8' and pretty tall off the ground.  We're liking it alot.  it also acts as a canopy for the car...almost a carport.  good deal.

the electrician has prepped for the electric inspection, which is due to happen in the next week.  there is a circuit-breaker panel now and more plugs and switches in the junction boxes.  just a few more touch ups and they will be set for inspection.

the plumbers have spent the last 2 weeks jackhammering through the thickest concrete known to man to dig up the 100 year old cast-iron sewer pipes.  now that they're replaced with PVC, they need to be inspected as well, and then they can cover it up with new concrete.

because of the basement being dug into a half-dozen trenches, some of the electric and HVAC work has been delayed, but once the floor is repaired down there, it will only take them a day to get caught up and have it inspection-ready.

7 weeks left [I think]
now the real work begins.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Definitely Excited

I gotta feelin pretty frikkin good about where we're at now. Its definitely a long process but looking more and more like the best choice every day...cant wait

On Cash Flow....[updated]

so...we had to pull some maneuvers to get things up and running full-speed again...some pain was involved.  it also involved some persistence.  but the end result is: we're finally getting some Donald Trump-style service in getting the bank money!

ok, kidding....but its MUCH better than before.

here's how its' goin down these days....

step 1: I'll call the person at the title company a few days ahead of the request.
step 2: then the inspector comes out to sign off on the work.
step 3: Next, you call the lender and tell them the request is coming.
step 4: the lender then gets the info from the inspector and packages that with the info from the title company and sends it to the bank.
step 5: once it gets to the bank, its actually a quick turnaround [assuming im not a deadbeat on the mortgage]

step 6: then they fedex me a check.
step 7: which goes right to my contractor [and his subcontractors]
step 8: ....and the cycle continues....until we're done....

luckily, I'll only have to do this twice more.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Keep on movin...Keep on movin don't stop no!

things are fast and furious.  money's flowin.  STUFF. IS. HAPPENING.

the the pictures are HERE.

here's a rundown of the current activity:

Plumbing = 80% done.  currently, they are digging down through the concrete floor of the basement to extract the 60+ year old main pipe that leads out to the city sewer line.  the old one is rusted and full of dirt [at least I think its dirt]. they have finished the rough-in plumbing [everything behind the walls] on the top floor and main floor.  they just need to hit the both kitchens [main kitchen and basement] and the basement bathroom.  some minor additions and touch ups are all that's left after that. They are expected be done Friday 5/14.

Electric = 90% done.  they have wired the entire main level of the house, save for a few spots in the kitchen.  they need to finish the basement and then they are done with this phase of their work.

HVAC = IN PROGRESS.  they just started today.  it should only take them 2 days to finish it up.

Other Progress:

1 - the rear deck has been torn down, to be replaced with a new one.
2 - once the rear deck was removed, they laid down a fresh layer of concrete in the rear to serve as our parking pad [good for one very small Jenny's Mini-Cooper]

what's next: the roof [finally], rebuilding the back deck, and wiring the house for Audio, Video, and internet [which I'll be doing with an assist from my brother, Ted, who's coming down from NY]

and: a sign of the end stages coming near: we're ordering the bathroom fixtures [sinks, tubs, faucets etc.] so they can be installed next week.

on and on to the break of dawn....

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's ELECTRIC! [boogie-oogie-oogie]

so we have the house almost 100% wired.  looking good.  actually looks much more simple than I thought it would.  not to say that I should have done the wiring myself...thats just crazy.  but its pretty straightforward.  and they are moving quickly.  take a look here

this week: the plumber is digging up the basement to restore water service to the old line. also: the old crappy deck in the back was taken down [to be replaced by a new one] and a parking pad is going in.

new windows are on-site too....full speed ahead [if we're going to make our 7/13 deadline!]