Friday, May 21, 2010


so now its time to get down to the nuts and bolts.  up until now, its been pretty general in terms of the instruction I've been giving to the crew....the walls go here...the toilet goes there..add a window here.

a pretty limited range of work.

that's all been changed.

I can't say I've ever been an expert on, say, countertop stone, or vessel sinks, but it has hooked me [and jenny] in an instant.  its all-comsuming.  online shops.  in-person.  blogs.
we've only stopped short of walking into random peoples' houses.  [though I have taken some tours of nice places RECENTLY with my agent to get some ideas]

my contractor, Andre, has the right approach: find something you like and STOP LOOKING.  because the only thing you'll find that you like better will cost you twice as much.  he should write a book.

so we're looking still.  granite or marble.  engineered wood or hardwood.  coke or pepsi.

there's a time limit, too. we've only got 7 weeks until we will [probably] be done, and since cabinets and flooring can take 6 weeks to deliver, this is the moment.

find something you like---and STOP LOOKING

we'll see if we can hold to that.


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