Monday, August 16, 2010

The [not so] Big Dig

so we've mentioned having a second entrance to the basement through the front of the house.  Waaaaay back in the day, the house actually had a front entrance, but it was closed in for some dumb reason.  so now we're going to bring it back to its past glory [and it gives us the most important piece for the income-generating rental that we have down there]

we've been waiting MONTHS to get started on this...mostly because we wanted to do it after the utility companies did their thing...but we could not wait any longer! [and yes, that means we still dont have gas or electric]

so we started digging.

a few jackhammers and truckloads of hauled-away dirt later...we have a nice sized hole that will eventually have steps and a door to the new apartment.  pretty cool.  see it here.


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