Monday, September 6, 2010

If you can't say something nice....

this is a story about Washington Gas.

I have refrained from mentioning them [or any of the utility companies] to date, since I was afraid of jinxing the process…I was also afraid of the .00001% chance that someone sees this and screws me over somehow.   That’s what their speed of service and customer relations practices can do to a man.

The Washington Gas story ended yesterday, Friday 9/4/10

It began on Wednesday 4/12/10

Allow me to explain.

We needed to do some work on creating a new entrance for the basement [for the rental apartment]  and the plan was to coincide that project with moving the current gas line. [the old gas meter was inside the basement on the wall…the new location needed to be on the exterior of the house]  my contractor suggested a solution that would have “streamlined” the process and lessened the paperwork etc.  but it was expensive.   Thousands more.  So I decided to call the friendly folks at Washington Gas to see how they could help.  I should have taken some advil before I picked up the phone.

It actually started out well.  We made an appointment for them to come by to take a look.  They gave me a quote.  [it was much cheaper…but far from free]   and we made a date to do the work of moving the gas meter from the inside to the outside of the basement.

On a side note: this job would not get us gas service, merely set us up to then request gas service.  That’s part II of the saga.

So they come and dig up the front yard.  Move the meter.  Run a new line to the house.  No sweat.  Except for the fact that they run the new line into the wrong spot [i.e  where the future steps to the basement apartment will go] 

Then they gave me the bad news.

We couldn’t receive gas service until we got a new line from the street.  The old steel line from the main meter hasn’t been used since 1996 and was corroded.  Strong possibility of a gas leak.  Not good. He thought he could even come back LATER THAT DAY to do that job. Ha

2 months later [and several dozen phone calls]

.....a new crew shows up at the house to dig a new hole.  They proceed to tell me how much the last crew fucked up the last time.  They fix the feed line and the location of the line into the house.   30minutes.  All done.  We’re NOW on our way to getting gas service [and hot water]

so we call for the gas meter.  They actually show up 4 days later.  Amazing.

1st guy – comes by.  Talks my ear off for 45min.  he finally leaves, but yet I have no gas meter.  Why?  Need one last inspection sticker.  TG is annoyed. but not surprised.

2nd guy – comes by.  Tells me that my plumber has done shoddy work [whatever] he finally leaves, but yet I have no gas meter. Why?  I need all my gas appliances hooked up and need an extra shutoff valve to the stove.  TG is angered. but not surprised.

3rd guy – comes by.  Tells me that he can get me set up TODAY.  Sounds great.  Asks me what kind of stuff I need natural gas for.  I tell him: a stove, a tankless water heater, and a gas fireplace.  He says that the meter he was going to give me wont fit on the equipment that’s outside the house.  The same equipment that the gas company installed once I told them what I had in the house.  TG is incensed.

but not surprised.


He leaves without giving me a meter.  Says a guy may come out later to fix the problem.  Yeah. right.

4th guy – wakes me up the other day while im out west on vacation.  Its early.  Real early.  I was confused with his offer to turn my gas on without asking me for an inspection sticker, appliance load, BTUs, or any one of several other things I don’t know shit about. 

He tells me he’s going to turn on the gas and of that was ok.

So I said “cool”

And now we have gas.  And hot water.


And I went back to sleep.


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