Saturday, February 6, 2010

So - where are you [will you be] living?

1st and Q street NW is located in a neighborhood called Truxton Circle.
[its just South of howard University and about 12 blocks north of Union Station]

Just like Dupont Cirlce and Logan Circle have their neighborhoods named after these famed headache-inducing traffic junctions [at least for the out-of towners...I like the circles], we have ours....except....THERES NO CIRCLE.

THERE WAS A CIRCLE....waaaaayyy back in the late 1940's there used to be a traffic circle right about where North Capitol Street met Florida Avenue.  Then DC had a plan to make it more like Los Angeles and put freeways all over the place to help commuters get into town from MD & VA.  So North Capitol Street was turned into the urban expressway that we know it as today.  Not quite as pretty as those other circles a few blocks west.

Bring back the circle.

Here is a Google Map of the area for reference


Unknown said...

So how would they bring back the circle?

BTW I liked the circles too - how come AU's area wasn't called Ward Circle?

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